Dutch travel agency TravelBird is bankrupt

TravelBird failliet

Travel organization TravelBird is on the verge of bankruptcy. It has been in financial trouble for some time and asked for postponement of payment.

On the website you can read:

Unfortunately, TravelBird today has had to stop the sale of online travel offers and apply for a moratorium, after the absence of new investments.

TravelBird is a member of the SGR which means that travelers who have booked a travel through TravelBird are covered under the conditions of the guarantee scheme of the SGR. Travelers who booked a trip via TravelBird will be contacted by the SGR with more information.

TravelBird has grown explosively since its launch in 2010 and was profitable for the first time in the first half of 2018. Due to seasonal fluctuations, there has been a backlog in payments to partners in recent months and TravelBird has actively sought additional financing. Unfortunately, that did not succeed in time.

In the past 8 years, TravelBird has been able to inspire more than 7 million travelers with often special and personal travel experiences. TravelBird is agrateful to all travelers for having chosen TravelBird for all years.

Thanks also to our intensively involved 310 employees and partner for all their efforts for our travelers.

Source and photo: © TravelBird


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