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PDIJ Comfort 5 personen


Parc de IJsselhoeve is located in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel. In the nearby area of Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel you will find the recreational area Hitland. Here you can walk and cycle through the forest landscape and meadows, but also along the IJssel. In the surroundings of the park you can enjoy both the peace and quiet and the beautiful busy city. In the park you can enjoy the heated outdoor swimming pool with children’s pool, a playground with equipment and a football pitch. There is also a restaurant, a café / bar and a snack bar. You will also find a riding school near the park.

What makes Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel unique is the beautiful recreational area Hitland with its brick kilns. Here you cycle and walk through the forest, the meadows with many bird species and peatlands. You will also discover elements from the past there; peat pits, wheels, watermills and drainage ditches from the old polder landscape. Discover the rich history of the brick kilns and visit the market. There is a walking event (Wandelvierdaagse) which is always one big party here. Furthermore, a visit to the traditional flea market and the Dutch IJssel ride for vintage cars is something you should have experienced.

Parc de IJsselhoeve is located in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel. Here you will find the tranquility of the countryside, while cities such as Rotterdam, Capelle aan den IJssel and Gouda can be reached at a short distance. There is also a shopping center, there are several attractions and the boulevard is a short distance away.